Parish of the Visitation 192 Sandford Street | New Brunswick NJ, 08901
Welcome Parish of the Visitation 192 Sandford Street | New Brunswick NJ, 08901
WELCOMEParish of the Visitation
192 Sandford Street | New Brunswick NJ, 08901
WelcomeParish of the Visitation
192 Sandford Street | New Brunswick NJ, 08901/_blank
From the Pastor’s Desk
From the Pastor’s Desk This week we are back in Ordinary time. Where has the year gone? Ordinary here does not mean that it’s mediocre or not very good. It means that it’s “regular or ordered”. Time is ordered to God’s will as our lives should be ordered to God’s will. How do we know God’s will for us? It is through discernment which means using Holy Scripture, the uninterrupted Tradition of the Church as transmitted by the Apostles and by our prayer life in which the Holy Spirit guides our actions. It means to be honest and willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we do not follow God’s will and we fall into sin.
This week on Wednesday, January 22 is a day of mourning, repentance and prayer for the legal protection of human life. On that day thousands of people mostly young people will descend on Washington, DC to peacefully march on behalf of life. I think it’s more effective to lobby State representatives. Since it is no longer a Feder-al matter but rightly returned to the States to resolve. Here’s a lot of “misinformation” in the media about this. It’s still a volatile issue, our pro-life banner on display has been twice slashed and cut down — and put back up. Why would anyone want to kill babies?
In my professional life I assisted at thousands of deliveries on newborn babies. Every one is a precious thing. St Paul tells us of the many gifts of the ministry in today’s second reading but the most important gift is the gift of life itself. We should nurture that gift and celebrate it not extinguish it, especially in it’s most vulnerable and innocent stage — as it’s developing. We also should reach out to women — and men — who have been deceived by the devil and a cruel and misguided society and have experienced or cooperated with this sin of abortion. They also are precious in the eyes of God. They suffer greatly. Paradoxically they may not even realize they are suffering. They need to make it to heaven as well, so they can be embraced by the baby they never met. Our Diocese is offering Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for women and men who are suffering from the after effects of abortion. They need the healing power of Christ, through he sacrament of Reconciliation. It’s the only way to be truly healed of this deep wound to the soul, to be reconciled to God.
Esta semana regresamos al tiempo ordinario.”Ordinario” aquí no significa que sea mediocre o que no sirva. Significa que está ordenado. El tiempo es ordenado a la voluntad de Dios igualmente nuestras vidas deben ser ordenadas a la voluntad de Dios. ¿Cómo conocemos la voluntad de Dios para nosotros? A través del discernimiento: por la Sagrada Escritura, la tradición sin interrupción de la Iglesia transmitida por los Apóstoles y por nuestra vida de oración en lo cual el Espíritu Santo guía nuestras acciones. Significa ser honrado y estar dispuesto a ser guiado por el Espíritu Santo. A veces no seguimos la voluntad de Dios y caemos en pecado.
Esta semana, el Miercoles 22 de Enero, es un día de duelo, arrepentimiento y oración por la protección legal de la vida humana. Ese día, miles de personas, en su mayoría jóvenes, llegarán a Washington, DC para marchar pacíficamente en nombre de la vida. Creo que es más eficaz presionar a los representantes estatales, porque ya no es un asunto federal, sino que ha vuelto a los Estados para que lo resuelvan. Hay mucha "desinformación" en los medios sobre este tema. Sigue siendo un tema volátil, nuestra pancarta pro vida que se exhibe ha sido acuchillada y desprendida dos veces, y se volvió a colocar. ¿Por que quisieran matar bebés?
En mi vida profesional asistí a miles de partos de bebés recién nacidos. Cada uno es una cosa preciosa. San Pablo nos habla de los muchos dones del ministerio en la segunda lectura de hoy, pero el don más importante es el don de la vida misma. Debemos nutrir ese regalo y celebrarlo, no extinguirlo, especialmente en la etapa más vulnerable e inocente, mientras se desarrolla. También debemos acercarnos a las mujeres, y a los hombres, que han sido engañados por el diablo y una sociedad cruel y equivocada y que han experimentado o cooperado con el pecado del aborto. Ellos también son preciosos a los ojos de Dios. Sufren mucho. Paradójicamente, puede que ni siquiera se den cuenta de que están sufriendo. Ellos también necesitan llegar al cielo, para que puedan ser abrazados por el bebé que nunca conocieron. Nuestra Diócesis está ofreciendo el retiro de Rachel’s Vineyard para mujeres y hombres que sufren las secuelas del aborto. Necesitan el poder sanador de Cristo, a través del sacramento de la Reconciliación. Es la única manera de ser verdaderamente sanados de esta herida profunda del alma, ser reconciliados con Dios.
Salmo Responsorial Salmo 95, 1-2a. 2b-3. 7-8a. 9-10a y c.
Segunda Lectura 1 Corintios 12, 4-11
Evangelio Juan 2, 1-11
Confession Times
Saturday:3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Or by appointment @ St. Mary
Please call the Parish Office for any other questions (Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para cualquier inquietud)
Weekday Masses
Monday 12:10 PM English - St. Mary's; followed by St Jude Novena
(M Tu W Th & F) - 12:10 PM (English) - St. Mary's
(M, Tu, W, Th, F & Sa) - 8:00 AM (English) -St. Mary's
(M, W, Th, F) - 6:00 AM (Spanish) - St. Mary's
Tuesday 7:00 PM (Spanish) at St. John's
Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish) - St. Mary's; followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Adoración al Santisimo)
Weekend Masses
4:00 pm in English – St. Mary’s - Saturday
7:00 pm in Spanish - St. Mary’s - Saturday
5:30 pm in English - St. Theresa’s -Saturday
9:00 am in Spanish –St. John’s - Sunday
8:30 am in English - St. Mary's - Sunday
11:00 am in English -St. Mary’s - Sunday
1:00 pm in Spanish - St. Mary’s - Sunday
6:00 pm in English - St. Mary’s - Sunday
Food for Thought
Candle Offering
The cost of having a lamp lit is $20 for the week.
Please contact the Parish Office for availability. Thank you!
Spreading the Word
Each talent not developed is bud that never opens to reveal its beauty and fragrance. I stand accountable for developing the talents I have been given. How do I return to the Lord the uniqueness that is me through my compassion? My artistic gifts? My organizational ability?
Why Give?
We don't give because we have an abundance of resources and can afford it; we give because of a desire to share what we have with others out of love and gratitude.