The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes will begin in September. This program is for any unbaptized adult who wishes to become a Catholic and any baptized Christian (non-Catholic) or Catholic who wishes to prepare for the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation in order to become in full communion in the Catholic Church. The classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 PM beginning on September thru April.
If you are interested in enrolling for the RCIA/Adult Religious Education, please contact Sr. Margaret Mary Hanlon, MPF is the Director of RCIA +1 (732) 545-5090 for information concerning the program.
The Sacrament of Baptism is at St. Mary’s on Saturdays 11:30AM in English and 12:30PM in Spanish. The family must attend the baptismal preparation class along with the Godparents and fulfill the requirements established by the Diocese. Please call the Parish Office to book the date.
The Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated by the Pastor or his delegate. Couples who are planning to be married should contact the Parish Office ONE YEAR in advance of the proposed wedding date in order to allow for proper pre-marital preparation. The attendance at Pre-Cana or an Engaged Encounter Weekend is required. For more information please contact Sr. Carmela M.P.F . Also visit the Diocesan website: for additional requirements.
Communion to the Sick is taken by Sr. Frances and the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist on a regular basis to those confined to their homes. Please call the Parish Office. If you or a family member are hospitalized or need placement on our Homebound Communion List. In the event of a hospital emergency, ask for Pastoral Care to contact the Catholic Priest on call, then contact the Parish Office +1 (732) 545-5090
Please call the Parish Office if you have a child from Grade 1 to 12 who needs to attend the CCD/Preparatory. Ask for Mrs. Amelia Johnson, Director of Religious Education +1 (732) 545-5090.
The Children's Mass is every 3rd Sunday of the Month Between September & May. Please take your children to church to attend the Eucharistic Celebration. All paperwork and payments are due before classes begin. There is a limit of 15 students per class and it is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Kindly share this information with others so they do not miss out on registration. Thank you for your cooperation.
Our Parish is in need of recruiting additional Lectors, especially for our evening Masses (6:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday). To proclaim the Word of God is an important ministry so we are seeking individuals who are willing to make a true commitment to serve. Would-be Lectors will have a guidebook and other resource materials as well as training sessions to assist them in this mission. All those interested in serving should contact Sr. Carmela at St. Mary's Convent, 732-545-0514 . Please give this call your serious consideration.
Calling all boys & girls !
St. Mary’s needs your help !
You can become an Altar Server !
All you need is a love for God and a willingness to serve your Church!
We will train you how to help at Mass and you will be part of a special group!
If interested, please contact the office.